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CPCWHS1001- Prepare to work safely in the construction industry

2024-09-23 12:49:18

The CPCWHS1001- Prepare to work safely in the construction industry is the nationally recognised "Construction Induction" or "White Card" course. 

The course will teach students the importance of Occupational Health & Safety in the construction industry & identfies the hazards that participants may come accross on a construction site.

Participants will discuss ways to minimise risks on a work site, including PPE that may be worn.

This course is for individuals who require mandatory work health & safety training, under the nationally recognised white card course.


CPCWHS1001- Prepare to work safely in the construction industry Course Summary:



CPCWHS1001- Prepare to work safely in the construction industry


6 Hours


Go Workplace Training offers this training at Dandenong South, Williamstown & Clayton; or alternatively we can come to you.

Dress Requirements

Closed- toe shoes

Equipment & Material Required

GWPT supply all materials required for Training & assessment; including learner guide, workbook, resources & assessment. GWPT also supply a range of PPE, ensuring training is a "hands on" experience.

GWPT Selection Criteria 


Basic verbal and written English communication skills sufficient to read material and understand instruction.Students must be able to understand the provided texts and signages; comprehend the training in a classroom environment, be able to respond to short answer questions in English and be able to complete workplace documentation (written skills to complete a basic form).

Participants are required to have general good health and fitness and any pre-existing medical conditions that will affect the training must be disclosed prior to attending.

Candidates must be at least 15 years of age.

If you are not an Australian or New Zealand citizen, or Australian permanent resident, you must ensure that your visa permits you to study in Australia.

Course Description


Participants will learn Occupational Health & Safety requirements of working in a Construction industry. Students will identify hazards, their associated risks & learn ways to minmise the risks. Students will see a range of OHS documentation, including safety signs & their meanings. Students will have an oppurtunity to view & wear Personal Protective Equipment, required to be worn on construction sites.

Participants will undertake practical & theory activities; followed by a practical & theory assessment.


Upon Successful completion of this course, participants receive a statement of attainment for CPCWHS1001- Prepare to work safely in the construction industry. 

WorkSafe will issue the nationally recognised "White Card".