THIRD PARTIES- I have been booked into a course run through GWPT by someone else
2025-03-29 08:18:22
Sometimes an employer may book a student into a course with us, or students may be booked into a course through a 3rd party.
Students may also be trained, through one of our 3rd party trainers; listed below.
Go Workplace Training can conduct its courses on-site, and has the following locations:
Dandenong - 16 Kitchen Road, Dandenong South, Vic 3175 (Head Office and delivery site).
Williamstown - Unit 1, 1 Akuna Drive, Williamstown North, Victoria, 3016.
Clayton – 63 Garden Road, Clayton, Victoria, 3168.
Through partnerships, Go Workplace Training also has the following locations:
- Campbellfield – 3B Lara Way (Action Forklift Training – Paul Cossum)
- Mildura – (Red Earth Training – Kelvin Ferry)
- Onsite- (Victorian Forklift Assessments- Stuart Wright)
Students may be referred to courses at Go Workplace Training by one of the following partner organisations:
• Alfasi Hire (03 8795 2999)
• All Star Access Hire (9397 3555)
• Ausfork (1300 30 80 10)
• Action Forklift Training (Paul Cossum 0414 953 133)
• A Safe OHS (03 9386 1605)
• Forkpro (1300 789 606)
• Pursuit Co Pty Ltd (0447 686 939)
• Red Earth Training (Kelvin Ferry 0419 881 151)
• Safety Australia Training and Consulting (0424 548 487)
• SD Construction Training Gippsland Pty Ltd (Scott Daly, 0432 844 884)
• Victorian Forklift Assessments (Stuart Wright, 0448 338 240)
• Waverley Forklifts / WFL Training and Assessment Pty Ltd (03 8540 4000)
• Wodonga TAFE (1300 698 233)
When students are referred to Go Workplace Training by one of our partners, they are enrolled with Go Workplace Training (RTO 22464) and we are responsible for the quality of training and assessment, and for issuing you with the relevant certification documents.